Meiosis ( the basis of sexual reproduction )

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Meiosis (the basis of sexual reproduction)


Sexual reproduction wants a genetic contribution from two altogether different sperm cells. Egg and sperm cells are specialized sex cells referred to as gametes (Gr. gamete, wife; gametes, husband). In animals, a male cell (sperm) unites with a female cell (egg) throughout fertilization to form one cell remarked as a zygote (Gr. zygotes, yoked together).


Process of Meiosis


The fusion of gametes is known as syngamy (Gr., games, marriage). The zygote is the initial cell of the new animal. Each of the two gametes contributes half of the genetic knowledge of the zygote. To maintain a relentless variety of chromosomal structures among the following generation,


Corporeal cells

Animals that reproduce sexually ought to manufacture gametes with the body variety of their customary body cells (called corporeal cells). All of the cells are found in the bodies of most animals, apart from the egg, sperm, and two sets of chromosomes.

THE FIRST cellular division

Prophase I

Body substance folds and chromosomes acquire sight beneath a light-weight scientific instrument. Because a cell is a duplicate of every type of body from every original parent cell, it contains the diploid variety of chromosomes.

Homologous chromosomes

Homologous eukaryotic chromosomes (homologs) carry genes for constant traits, are constant in length, and have an analogous staining pattern, making them recognizable as matching pairs.


Throughout prophase I, homologous chromosomes line up side-by-side in an exceeding method referred to as a biological process (Gr. synapsis, conjunction), forming a quartet of chromatids (also referred to as a bivalent). The quartet contains two homologous chromosomes, each with its copy, or sister filament. 

A network of supermolecules and ribonucleic acid is arranged between the sister chromatids of the two homologous chromosomes. This network holds the sister chromatids in an exceedingly precise union, so every factor is directly across from its sister factor on the homologous body.


Synopsis additionally initiates a series of events called "crossing over," whereby the non-sister chromatids of the two homologous chromosomes in an exceeding quartet exchange deoxyribonucleic acid segments.

This method effectively redistributes genetic data among the paired homologous chromosomes and produces new mixtures of genes on the varied chromatids in homologous pairs. Thus, every filament finally ends up with new combinations of directions for a range of traits.

Crossing over

Crossing over may be a kind of genetic recombination and may be a significant supply of genetic variation in the population of a given species.


Metaphase I

In metaphase I, the microtubules form spindle equipment, just as in cellular division. However, unlike cellular division, or cleavage wherever homologous chromosomes don't combine, every combination of homologs lines up within the center of the cell, with centromeres on either side of the spindle equator.

Anaphase I

Anaphase It begins once homologous chromosomes separate and starts to move towards each pole. As a result of the fact that the orientation of every combination of homologous chromosomes within the center of the cell is random, the particular chromosomes that every pole receives from each combination of homologs are also random.

Telophase I

Meiotic telophase I am analogous to mitotic telophase. The transition to the second nuclear division is named interkinesis. Cells continuing through interkinesis don't replicate their deoxyribonucleic acid. When a variable period occurs, meiosis II happens.

The Second Cell Division

The second cell division (meiosis II) resembles a standard mitotic cycle, except the number of chromosomes has been reduced by the phases prophase II, metaphase II, phase of cell division II, and telophase II.

At the tip of telophase II and the organic process, the ultimate product of those two divisions of meiosis is four new "division products." In most animals, every one of those "division products" is haploid and should perform directly as a sperm cell.



Stages of Meiosis



The result of meiosis in most animals is the formation of sperm cells and egg cells. Gametogenesis produces mature sperm cell cells and follows the sequence previously delineated. All four products of meiosis typically acquire a flagellum for locomotion and a caplike structure that aids in the penetration of the egg.

Gametogenesis produces a mature gamete or egg. It differs from gametogenesis in that only one of the four cell division products develops into the purposeful sex cell. The opposite product of meiosis is referred to as a "polar body" and eventually disintegrates. In some animals, the mature egg is the product of the primary cell division and solely completes meiosis if it's impregnated.

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